Date : Mon, 14 May 2001 19:02:04 +0100
From : Philip Peake <philipp@...>
Subject: Re: 1770 Disk Interface
I had a thought about having a go a while back. I couldn't find the 1770
or 1772
though (allthough there are still 8271s about, which surprised me). Actually,
come to think of it, I did find one company in the US, but they would only sell
them in bulk (30 of). The other bits and pieces were relatively easy to find,
Mike Tomlinson wrote:
> In article <8F55B1918087D4118BCB00508B0CCEBB01921A3B@...>,
> Saddler, Chris <CSaddler@...> writes
> >Has anyone every tried to recreate a 1770 (or 1772) based disk interface
> >daughter board for the BBC Model B?
> I haven't, but have seen home brew ones.
> > i.e. make a PCB based on the schematic
> >shown at
> Don't forget that in addition to the circuit, you will need two wire
> links, two 7438 buffer chips (74LS38 must not be used) and a DFS ROM.
> There may be other bits - I can't remember - though Mark's site also has
> the fitting instructions somewhere with a list of parts.
> I'd have thought the most difficult bit to find might be the 40 pin
> header to plug the assembly into the 8271 socket. If you can't find
> this, have a look in the RS catalogue for 40 pin ribbon cable headers.
> Perhaps you could put the board on a short length of ribbon cable.
> Wouldn't it be easier to buy a second hand Beeb with one fitted and use
> that or salvage it?
> >I'd be interested in upgrade my 8271 based disk interface to the 1770. Also,
> >does the circuit remain the same for the WD1772 based interface?
> Yes.
> >If I get a positive response to this, my next question will be where to get
> >a WD1770/1772?
> CPC ( used to carry them some years ago.
> --
> "Security-wise, NT is a server with a 'Kick me' sign taped to it."
> - Peter Gutmann