Date : Fri, 11 May 2001 22:11:59 +0100
From : "Francois & Wendy Joubert" <f.joubert@...>
Subject: Re: 3.5" floppies and IDE hard-drives
Thanks very much. Chris (at 8bs) has also given some useful practical
pointers. I will have a go soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Thornley" <C.J.Thornley@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 9:09 PM
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] 3.5" floppies and IDE hard-drives
: There was a SERIAL RS423 16bit IDE Hard disk controller in elektor
: electronics magazine a few months ago which might be of interest. It needs
: filing system written for it but is suggested would be ideal for old 8bit
: computers or development projects. Back issues probably can be obtained
: your local library or by interlibrary loan.
: I have an article about the various different pin conditions for floppy
: drives they are slightly different and I have attached this as some of the
: connections are non standard. Its in guide format but should be readable.
: You probably have the force the drive to use a slower seek time I believe
: someone has a software DFS patch to do this or has the keyboard links
: might be of use.
: Chris
: -------------------Article---------------------------
: @node "Pin layout" "Pin layouts"
: @{u}Connections & Connectors@{uu}
: In this @{"picture" system "run >NIL: multiview Connections.iff"} you can
: see the connections
: @{u} Connections to PC drive (34 pins Shugart bus)@{uu}
: The connector for the power supply consists of 4 pins:
: @{u} pin 1:@{uu} 5 volt
: @{u} pin 2:@{uu} Ground
: @{u} pin 3:@{uu} Ground
: @{u} pin 4:@{uu} 12 volt
: It is important not put this connector in the wrong way. You probably will
: wreck
: your drive !!! Normally it should be very difficult to do this, but I can
: assure
: you it can be done. Just try it out with the power off and see for
: which way fits best. By the way I read that for the 5.25 inch drives with
: the
: bigger connectors pin 1 is 12 volt and pin 4 is 5 volt !!
: I checked out some books and magazines to give you some detail on the
: connector. Only the even number connections are used for signals. The odd
: numbered pins are connected to ground.
: @{u} PIN 2:@{uu} DISKCHANGE Output signal. This is a tricky one to start
: with. It is
: used for a number of different signals by each manufactorer. The first one
: is
: the most widely spread used. DISKCHANGE is perfect to use for the amiga
: diskchange signal. HIGH DENSITY/DOUBLE DENSITY input signal to switch
: motor between 300 and 360 rpm. Only used for 5 1/4 inch floppy drives. IN
: input signal for letting the drive know something is coming up soon. Also
: used
: for driving led at front of the drive. HEAD LOAD input signal for the
: to
: put the head to the disk and pre magnetise it. (Rarely used)
: @{u} PIN 4:@{uu} IN USE Another pin use in more ways than one IN USE is
: the most likely
: candidate. see pin 2 (Sometimes you can have DISKCHANGE and HEAD LOAD).
: internal Amiga drives IN USE is always connected to the MTRX signal. So
: the
: motor is spinning the LED is on.
: @{u} PIN 6:@{uu} DRIVE SELECT 3 see PIN 10. Pin 6 is sometimes used for
: the READY
: signal (see PIN 34).
: @{u} PIN 8:@{uu} INDEX output signal will be low when the magnet on the
: flywheel of the
: drive passes the Hall sensor (when drive SELECT is low).
: @{u} PIN 10:@{uu} DRIVE SELECT 0 input signal for selecting the last
: which is
: then connected to this line. You will have to get the drive jumpers set to
: the
: drive select you want. Normally the drives are left with the jumper on
: and the cable is twisted to change select lines (Yes that's why there is a
: twist).
: @{u} PIN 12:@{uu} DRIVE SELECT 1 see pin 10
: @{u} PIN 14:@{uu} DRIVE SELECT 2 see pin 10
: @{u} PIN 16:@{uu} MOTORON input signal switches to motor on. Sometimes
: amiga way of
: switching on the motor with DRIVE SELECT can be set with a jumper on the
: drive.
: @{u} PIN 18:@{uu} DIRECTION SELECT Input signal. When low stepping
: direction of the
: head is to the axis (inside) of the disk. High is to the outside of the
: disk.
: @{u} PIN 20:@{uu} STEP Input signal. With every low pulse the head is
: stepped to the
: next (by pin 18 determined) track when the drive is selected.
: @{u} PIN 22:@{uu} WRITE DATA Input signal. Here the data to be written
: the track is
: coming in from the computer.
: @{u} PIN 24:@{uu} WRITE GATE Input signal. When low the data from pin 22
: is written on
: the disk.
: @{u} PIN 26:@{uu} TRACK 0 Output signal. When the head is above the
: track this
: line will be low when SELECT is active.
: @{u} PIN 28:@{uu} WRITE PROTECT Output signal. When the write protect
: is open
: (disk is write protected) and SELECT is low this signal will be low.
: @{u} PIN 30:@{uu} READ DATA Output signal. When SELECT is low then the
: data on the
: track is written to this line.
: @{u} PIN 32:@{uu} SIDE 1 SELECT Input signal. When the SELECT is active
: this line set
: the head (upper or lower) on which side is selected.
: @{u} PIN 34:@{uu} READY Output signal. Low when SELECT is active and the
: disk is
: spinning at the right speed (INDEX signal) or, in a older simpler version,
: if a
: disk is in the drive. It tells the computer that the drive ready to do a
: read or
: a write of the track. The signal is high when the drive is empty (no
: when
: the motor isn't running or the motor is running too slow. Also very
: after a Head step signal it is high (15 ms). You see in this way the drive
: is
: not mounted by the amiga! (Rarely used as DISKCHANGE or IN USE).
: @{u} The amiga floppy connector (@{uu} external, 23 pins D-sub bus MALE)
: PIN 2: DKRD read data
: PIN 3: GND ground
: PIN 4: GND ground
: PIN 5: GND ground
: PIN 6: GND ground
: PIN 7: GND ground
: PIN 8: MTRX motor
: PIN 9: SEL 2 select drive 2
: PIN 10: DRES drive reset
: PIN 11: CHNG diskchange
: PIN 12: +5 volt
: PIN 13: SIDE side (head) select
: PIN 14: WPRO write protect
: PIN 15: TK0 track 0
: PIN 16: DKWE write enable
: PIN 17: DKWD write data
: PIN 18: STEP step
: PIN 19: DIR step direction
: PIN 20: SEL3 select drive 3
: PIN 21: SEL1 select drive 1
: PIN 22: INDEX index
: PIN 23: +12 volt
: @endnode
: -----Original Message-----
: From: owner-bbc-micro@... []
: Sent: 08 May 2001 20:59
: To: bbc-micro@...
: Subject: [BBC-Micro] 3.5" floppies and IDE hard-drives
: Does anyone know whether it is possible to convert standard PC 3.5"
: floppydrives and harddrives to be used with the BBC B or Master? If so, is
: there any documentation I can get my paws on to have a bash?
: Thanks