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Date   : Tue, 01 May 2001 11:15:16 +0100 
From   : Paras Sidapara <Paras.Sidapara@...>
Subject: Re: Any new games?

Here's another story...!

Repton-4 (loads of new features over R3, like floating balloons,
"intelligent" monsters!) was OK'd for me to develop by one of the Hanson
brothers (Superior) but it took a few months too long (I was busy with my
GCSEs!) and Repton Infinity pipped it to the post... R4 was subsequently
"reworked" into a "new" game, Cyroid-X. Sadly the same fate as the other
efforts here... a dead 8-bit market.

I've still got them somewhere in the form of the evaluation copies I sent
out, pretty bug-free and complete with level editor (with mouse support!)...
it took a long time for no reward in the end, but it sure as anything taught
me to "think code" and write very speed/space efficient software!!! Useful
even though I'm a C++ and Java person now!

On a very different note, I came up with a comprehensive Exile cheats which
was published (either listing or coverdisc, can't remember) by the Micro
User. They credited it to someone else though (very very VERY annoying!) but
at least I got paid for it!

Ah... those were the days...


PS: very small chance... does anyone have a copy of "Parasoft Logo &
Sprites" (a budget competitor to Logotron's ROM+sprite board combo with a
unique mini windows in which you can try commands while you edit a
procedure). I wrote this when I was 12 (1986/87 - wow!); we (a partnership
between me and my school!) sold quite a few of round the country to
individuals and schools on the back of a nice write up by Dave Fuchter of
Acorn User, but I can't find my own copies anywhere!

-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Hatton [mailto:pete@...]
Sent: 01 May 2001 10:38
To: Bbc-Micro@... Co. Uk
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Any new games?

> -----Original Message-----
> Actually, I've just remembered something else - many moons ago (was about
> 1993 I think), my friend Matt Godbolt and I wrote a beeb game called
> Onslaught - it was at first going to be offered to Superior, but
> the market was dying....

Sounds a familiar story.  I wrote a Arcade Adventure game called Moonbase
Beta between 1990 and 1992 in my spare time.  I also sent mine to Superior,
but the market was drying up (If not dried up)

To cut the long story short, I found a copy lying on the BBC lives website,
and it's still there!  There is a copy on my website as well.  I also found
all the 5 1/4 inch discs with all the source code in the loft back at home.
My attempts to read them have failed so far, but I have many other goodies
on paper, such as the solution!

When I got a spare day or so (Not easy as I'm a final year student) I'm
intending to put more information up on my website.

You can find it at http://www.monolight.org/bbc/

Enjoy it!

Pete Hatton
E-mail:  pete@...
Webpage: http://www.monolight.org

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