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Date   : Sun, 29 Apr 2001 23:47:21 +0100
From   : "Tom Seddon" <T.W.Seddon@...>
Subject: Re: Any new games?

I was having a go at Bomberman (aka Dynablasters) over Xmas, as I was bored
during the days. After looking at my previous attempt (started when I left
school in summer 1995) I abandoned that and restarted.

I have a sprite editor (BASIC), a level editor (BASIC+asm), the beginnings
of a game (asm), and a cute "FMV" player which plays about 6 seconds of pre
computed 40x25 animation at 25Hz on a mode 7 screen (I intend to have some
fun with that -- 3D shapes and all sorts :-)

I've also got some sprites and some levels. I am still putting off the
actual game bit, though, and have been for 4 months now :-)

One of these days I will press on with it and actually get a game up and
running. Though I'm a bit concerned about the Beeb's ability to maintain a
25Hz or (hmm) better game, particularly with my rather rusty 6502, I am sure
I will come up with something. I am hoping for 3 k/b players on a Beeb and 4
on a Master, assuming I can get my hands on one; I haven't investigated the
joystick aspect because I don't have any joysticks and I'm pretty sure my
Beeb's analogue port doesn't work.

The major problem is that my Beeb is at my parents', so I don't get to use
it unless I'm visiting them; in addition, my job is computer programming so
I'm not always so inclined to spend even more time in front of a computer at
the weekends...

So, anyone else?!


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bbc-micro@...
[mailto:owner-bbc-micro@...]On Behalf Of Daniel Johnson
Sent: 27 April 2001 09:07
To: 'beeb-emulators@...'
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Any new games?


I recently noticed some new games written for an Atari VCS emulator.
I was wondering, does anyone still write games for the BBC for the fun of
or is it just regarded as an exercise in futility!
If anyone has any I would be most interested in having a look.

Many thanks

Dan Johnson

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