Date : Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:45:07 +0100
From : "Fewell, Steve" <Steve.Fewell@...>
Subject: An Interesting video at
BBC Micro - Graphics And Games
Hi, I found the above video at, and was surprised to
find that it was in stock, I was even more surprised when the managed to
deliver a copy to me!
The program on the video is dated 1983 - but as the video itself has no
date, I'm not sure if it is a recent release.
The video describes some basic techniques for writing arcade games on the
BBC. It explains how to move objects around the screen, how to use GCOL 3,x
to Exclusive-OR graphic colours, how to draw sprites (multi-colour
characters) on the screen [using the flashing colours to mimic movement],
and the basics of the sound and envelope commands.
The presenter goes through each line of the program(s) in tedious detail,
but despite this I would recommend the video to anyone interested in
graphics on the Beeb. Blackstar appear to still have more in stock.
Does anyone know if any other BBC videos are still available?