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Date   : Thu, 12 Apr 2001 16:17:26 -0700 (PDT)
From   : "F. Haroon" <haroonpd@...>
Subject: PCBBC

Hello, everyone using PCBBC including Stuart
McConnachie :-) I have finally figured out how to get
programs to run on the emualator  - we already have
blank disks in our drives (on the h/d) it's up to us
to format either 0, 1, 2 or 3 for use.  Now, to load a
piece of software into the emulator it's a matter of
installing them onto the blank drive images.  We
already have software downloaded as disk images  -
it's a matter of either deleting the blank drive image
then renaming the software image as the new drive
image or, issueing a DOS command to simply copy the
information over from the software image, to the blank
drive image, or simply copying files over from one
disk image to another.  The latter method is much more
laborious than the rest simply because unlike what the
help screen claims, you cannot select more than one
file at once.

Can anyone else tell me whether there's been
advancements to BBC Explorer 2 so that it now writes
to disks, and file transfer between images is not so
laborious?  Thanks.

The information I have supplied is for the benefit of
those who are still figuring out how to use PCBBC.  To
Sturart  - I have spotted some issues when using the
emulator, I wonder if they can be fixed at all?  I am
configured to SVGA (800 x 600) the maximum possible
for my monitor isn't possible for me to switch between
it and other Windows tasks without it corrupting the
emulator?  Also, how do I exit the emulator,
especially the demo version before the 10 minutes,
without worrying about it failing to reload disk
images on relaunch due to 'Sharing violation on drive

You know, one interesting thing I find about the
emulator, is that it CRASHES like a real Beeb too  -
Stuart you are a GENIUS!!  Now please help me with
those issues, thanks.


HaroonPD http://www.geocities.com/haroonpd/

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