Date : Fri, 30 Mar 2001 19:36:01 +0100
From : "Chris Thornley" <C.J.Thornley@...>
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Impossible's New Show - On Tonight!]
Even so this message has no place on this list and the sender should be
warned not to send SPAM or unsolicited junk mail, or even banned from the
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bbc-micro@... []
Sent: 31 March 2001 04:09
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Fwd: [Impossible's New Show - On Tonight!]
> Yes, we've got another show on air. Here's a plug for it...
> Don't miss SEXBAR, a topically animated comedy show, featuring the
> cream of the world's most famous people in an oh-so-trendy bar.....
> here's a pic we made earlier...
> <<Sexbar.jpg>>
> SEX BAR, TONIGHT, 1AM, CHANNEL 4. Here's the ecstatic previews...
> "Sort of Stella Street meets Spitting Image and a paint box" - TimeOut
> "..worth staying up for. Unless of course you're out being achingly
> famous in a trendy bar yourself..." - The Guardian
> In tonight's episode, see the havoc wreaked by the hundred-foot high
> mutant celebrity offspring of Posh'n'Becks and Liam'n'Patsy, marvel at
> the charidee record "Kill The Children" and find out just who the
> Football Fonz is...
> That is all.
And before anybody yells 'off-topic' - the original mail was sent by ex-BBC
author Peter Scott and founder of Impossible TV ...
.jpg is here:
Don't miss it! ;-)
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