Date : Wed, 28 Mar 2001 23:35:47 +0100
From : "Richard Gellman" <r.gellman@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BBC Micro EPROM Programmer
This sounds like a Micro User "Body Building" article.
These articles ran monthly, describing how to build various pieces of
hardware to add to the BBC Micro to allow varied expansion, and the magazine
also provided the appropriate software. The Micro User used "Musbury
Consultants" (Don't know if they are still around) for dealing with the
hardware components, and I think an EPROM Programmer was one of the projects
they constructed (I have letters from other issues that relate to problems
concerning the EPROM programming program "PROMMER").
Also, in the same year (1987) Watford Electroncis who advertised frequently
in BBC Micro magazines sold an EPROM programmer that connected to the user
port for ?99 (This continued into at least 1993 before manuafacture
discontinued). Devices to program EPROMS can still be obtained (though I
would not know where) for the PC, and as long as the code is in a compatible
format, BBC rom code could be blown into an EPROM such that it could be used
in a real BBC Micro.
-- Richard Gellman
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bbc-micro@...
[mailto:owner-bbc-micro@...]On Behalf Of Isabel Cisternas &
Robert Schmidt
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 11:12 PM
To: Chris + Tina Saddler; bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Re: BBC Micro EPROM Programmer
Thanks for the praise - it's been fun making the site!
Regarding your question, I can't help you directly - I never had an
EPROM programmer, and can't recall the article. I've sent a copy of
this reply to the BBC micro mailing list - maybe somebody there can
> Chris + Tina Saddler wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> First of all, let me congratulate on "The BBC Lives" website - its a
> great resource.
> Now for my question. Back in the mid-1980's a British Electronics or
> Computer magazine (I don't
> recall the name) published details of a project to build an EPROM
> programmer
> for the BBC Micro Model B. I seem to recall the article was in two
> parts; the
> first covering hardware (circuit board design, components, power
> supply etc)
> and the second article covered software (written in BBC BASIC with
> significant Assembler code segments). I think that it connected to the
> Beeb's user port.
> At that time the article was published the printed circuit board could
> be ordered through the magazine.
> I wonder if you have any information regarding this EPROM programmer
> or something similar?
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris.