Date : Fri, 09 Mar 2001 00:10:53 +0000
From : "B. E. Newsam" <ben@...>
Subject: Re: transferring files from BBC floppies for use in a PC emulator
In message <200103081318.NAA14477@...>,
> I desperately want to be able to transfer some BBC software which I
>currently have available on BBC 5.25" floppies to a PC in order to be able to
>create disk images for use with a BBC emulator.
Heh. I used to have a special cable, but someone nicked it. Then I made
up a kind of patch cable arrangement on a little board with jump leads.
That didn't always work, presumably because of the lack of shielding.
One trick that *does* work, at least for smaller files (this'll make you
laugh) is to download them to a Smart Box[1] and then upload them to the
PC. Takes ages.
[1] A box used for computer control in schools. <Waves to gAreTh>