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Date   : Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:59:31 +0000
From   : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: Microvitec Monitor

In article <001b01c09b6a$727e6aa0$51fa7ad5@...>, Simon Foster
<s.d.f@...> writes

>The monitor is a model number 1456 D12, Serial No. 185064. It is a beige
>plastic case. I looked in the Microvitec service manual (off BBC
>Documentation project) and found a picture of a monitor which looks the same
>as this one (page 56). 

The problem is, at the time this was made, Microvitec used the same case
(and a very similar chassis internally) for monitors to be connected to
lots of different computers, but *looking* the same doesn't make them
all compatible, and they called them all 'Cub'...

The monitors were customised by using a different interface board
internally for each target computer type.  I'm afraid I don't know what
1456 D12 is; the classic box-shaped Microvitec monitors for the BBC are
model number 1431MS (14 inch tube, .31 dot pitch, metal case, standard).
I seem to remember D is the designation for the plastic case.

It's the 7 pin DIN input that bothers me; if this monitor were intended
for the BBC, the input socket would be a 6 pin DIN like the BBC's RGB
output, and a pin-for-pin cable is used.  

I suspect this may be an Archimedes or Amiga unit with separate sync
inputs and analogue voltage levels, which would make it incompatible
with the BBC's TTL outputs.  If the case were black, it'd be for the
Sinclair QL; if it were grey, for the PC with a CGA adapter.

If you can take the back off (at your own risk; unplug the unit, be
aware there are very high voltages inside even after the unit has been
unplugged for several hours, do not do this if you don't know what you
are doing, don't touch anything inside) and describe whether the cable
harness runs from the input DIN socket straight to the main board or to
an intermediate circuit board, I might be able to identify it further.

Or ring Microvitec for help; I got those contact details from

General  +44 (0)1274 225 150  
Sales  +44 (0)1274 225 146  


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