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Date   : Wed, 14 Feb 2001 17:13:36 -0000
From   : "Richard Gellman" <r.gellman@...>
Subject: BeebEm 1.3 Buggettes and a cursor?

The more observant of you will have noticed that when resetting or changing
model type (and possibly just starting up?) the sound option is a little....

I did notice this bug after I implemented the (quick) reset code. Its
something to do with the sound section re-reading the ini file default
and/or resetting to a default state somehow. I will correct it soon. To
re-enable the sound, just goto sound, then sound on/off. It will appear as
if nothing has happened, but the sound will be re-enabled.

Kecske Bak wrote:

A couple of suggestions, but nothing more than suggestions:

a) If I remember rightly, the cursor in Mode 6 and 3 went in the dead space
between the lines of characters - if you did VDU 19,0,4;0; then it would be
in the black between the blue stripes.

b) For that real "BBC" feel, it would be lovely if at one stage we could
have the UEF tape format implemented, so we could enjoy tapes loading in
block by block if we felt that masochistic!

Well, the cursor, I only added enough code to determine if when the video
section was redrawing the screen, should it display the cursor or not. I
haven't touched the remainder of the cursor code, but I will look into it.

As for Tape reading (yes you are masochistic ;) ), I'll look into it. I have
a book that details the operation of the RS423/6850/SERPROC/Tape interface,
and if I can get the information on the tape file format, It *might* be a

Tonight, I'm going to de-primitive-a-lise the FDC code (writing and ADFS
support to come) and fix those problems with files. The new zip file will
contain the required dlls and roms.

Hopefully it'll be online tonight.

Thanks for your support :)

--Richard Gellman

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