Date : Fri, 02 Feb 2001 11:33:36 +0000
From : Ben Newsam <ben@...>
Subject: Re: Disk User magazine
Weger <mark@...> writes
>This morning I discovered a program I'd written in the eighties (a
>background file printer) and which I'd completely forgotten about.
>The program was in the collection of cover disks of Disk User magazine,
>which can be found at .
>Now it appears, Disk User was also a paper magazine and I wondered if anyone
>has any copies left. I'm looking for issue 7 (May 1988), since that is the
>issue in which my article must have been printed.
>I'd be much obliged if anyone could let me have a (photo)copy.
I can't help, I'm afraid. The only copy I have left is issue 12, because
I wrote the Spironet program it contains. They devoted the cover and a
colour centre spread to it, bless them.