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Date   : Wed, 24 Jan 2001 20:54:00 +0000
From   : Kris Adcock <kris@...>
Subject: Re: Desecration

In message <XZ502aGsnZb6Ew6N@...>, Mike Tomlinson
<mike@...> writes
>In article <>, Joel
>Rowbottom <joel@...> writes
>[model A]
>>No. I'm pretty sure it was just the RAM which was missing, and a few other 
>>things (the model A didn't have A/D convertor chipset installed? 
>Been trying to remember myself - I think it was missing the upper 16k,
>the A/D chip, and perhaps the user VIA?

Well, I've spent a couple of nights disassembling it, cleaning it, and
putting it back together, and it seems to be a model B. So my excitement
at having something rare is deflated, but its still a Beeb which is Not
To Be Sniffed At.

I'm chuffed with how my keyboard turned out. I pulled off each top
individually, scrubbed them all with a toothbrush, and left them to dry
out. Looks brand new! The outer case hasn't cleaned up terribly well
though (someone called Alex chose to sign it with a permanent marker) so
I might still transfer it to the Pheobe. Anyone got any circuit diagrams
of the keyboard unit (like the pinouts, for example)?

On an unrelated note: when I was given the Beeb, I was also given an
Electron, with tape-player and collection of tapes. What shall I do with
this lot then?


|         Kristoffer Adcock, Normanton, Derby, UK, Planet Earth       |
|   "Fighting the ceaseless battle against literacy and good taste"   |
|     with RISCOS, BeOS 5 Pro, MacOS 9, Linux, PalmOS and Windows     |

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