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Date   : Mon, 22 Jan 2001 08:46:38 -0000
From   : Andrew Chesterton <achester@...>
Subject: Re: Desecration 

Wasn't the layout of the PCB in the 'Model A' completely different ?

I have a very early BBC where the ROM sockets are half way up the eastern
side of the PCB, not burried under the keyboard. 

The DIN sockets are chassis mounted and hand wired to pins on the PCB, not
PCB mounted.

The easiest difference to spot with my machine is that everything is
sheilded. If you look at the underside of the case where all the IDC
connectors are, there is a metal plate that runs the full length of the
machine with threaded studs next to each connector, presumably for earth

I thought that this machine was a 'Model A' is this correct ?

Andrew Chesterton.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Blundell [mailto:philb@...]
Sent: 21 January 2001 16:13
To: Kris Adcock
Cc: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Desecration 

>Do you mean on the card strip above the keyboard? Mine hasn't got one of
>those, it just says "BBC Micro Computer" on the plastic itself.
>Any other markings I can check?

If you've had the board out of the case it should be fairly obvious.  Model
boards only have half of the memory populated so there will be a large bare 
area towards the east side.


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