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Date   : Sun, 21 Jan 2001 14:09:33 +0000
From   : Kris Adcock <kris@...>
Subject: Re: Desecration

I'd just assumed it was. I don't know for sure. How do I tell?

In message <006601c083ac$8fef1d80$a1b032d4@...>, Chris Richardson
<chris@...> writes
>Hi Cris
>How sure are you that this is a model A? Because if that is the case, please
>please consider carefully what you are doing!
>At least, please photograph is in its original condition. I would love
>photos for the 8BS website.
>What issue does it say it is on the motherboard?
>Please be aware that model A BBC's are very rare indeed. I have never seen
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Kris Adcock <kris@...>
>To: <bbc-micro@...>
>Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 1:14 PM
>Subject: [BBC-Micro] Desecration
>> Afternoon all,
>> Someone's given me a BBC micro (I think it's a model A) in rather good
>> condition considering it was treated perfectly but left in a loft for
>> fifteen years. So I've taken it to bits and I'm halfway through cleaning
>> it up, with the intention of reliving my wasted youth.
>> Does anyone know how sensitive the boards are to soldering? I mean, it's
>> hardly the latest sub-miniature-surface-mount-fart-and-the-static-will-
>> kill-the-processor stuff, is it? I'd like to remove the UHF doodah (to
>> start with anyway), because its manky and I'll never use it. And I've
>> already had to cut the composite wires to get the board out of the case,
>> so those will need doing.
>> Something else I'm considering, is fitting the Beeb into this Pheobe
>> case that I bought on impulse and have done nothing with. I think it
>> would be quite ironic - one of Acorn's earliest machines running in the
>> case for what should have been their greatest creation (or
>> alternatively, "Acorns most successful creation running in the case of
>> their biggest flop"). I'm going to call it "The 6502 Banana Computer",
>> or something. I'll start up a website on the subject, and do funky logos
>> you can print onto transparent sticky stuff and adorn it all with.
>> Thing is, I'll have to build the keyboard into a separate box and link
>> them. Inside the beeb, the connection between keyboard and motherboard
>> is a short ribbon cable of (I think) 17 wires. What would people suggest
>> here? Could I just extend it? (A metre-long cable of 17 wires strikes me
>> as being a bit fat and unforgiving.) A PIC at each end, turning things
>> into serial data and back again? Or is there a stage in the keyboard
>> electronics which involves less connections which I could buffer, and
>> then move the remaining components into the tower?
>> Alternatively, has anyone got one of those Viglen keyboard things for
>> sale? (I didn't know they existed until I saw the pics on the 8BS site.)
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> /------------------------www.adcock.demon.co.uk-----------------------\
>> |         Kristoffer Adcock, Normanton, Derby, UK, Planet Earth       |
>> |   "Fighting the ceaseless battle against literacy and good taste"   |
>> |     with RISCOS, BeOS 5 Pro, MacOS 9, Linux, PalmOS and Windows     |
>> \---------------------------------------------------------------------/


|         Kristoffer Adcock, Normanton, Derby, UK, Planet Earth       |
|   "Fighting the ceaseless battle against literacy and good taste"   |
|     with RISCOS, BeOS 5 Pro, MacOS 9, Linux, PalmOS and Windows     |

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