Date : Fri, 05 Jan 2001 14:33:21 -0000
From : Andrew Chesterton <achester@...>
Subject: Re: VFS: (BBC Video Disk) : Doomsday Project
The following link points to a company that uses 'videodiscs' (Laserdisks)
to display brain scan images.
They use software called 'Filemaker Pro' with a specific laserdisk player
driver to access the information on the disks.
This software uses the RS232 port on a PC running win 3.1,95,98 and displays
the images using a monitor connected to the Laserdisk player's A/V output.
I know that this is not ideal because of the digital data stored on the
Domesday discs, but it may be a start to accessing the analogue information.
Andrew Chesterton.
Network Administrator.
Blue Wave Systems Ltd.
Loughborough Park,
Ashby Road,
LE11 - 3NE.
Tel: +44 (0)1509 634322
Fax: +44 (0)1509 634450
Email: achester@... <>