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Date   : Mon, 25 Sep 2000 11:46:48 -0700 (PDT)
From   : Thomas Harte <t.harte@...>
Subject: Re: Font Implosion / Explosions?

>  I feel like I've maybe missed the point a bit though, feel free to call
me a
>  pillock if this is the case :)

No, no, I'll explain why I'm asking properly. On my little Electron emulator
I'm now getting good results from bit multiplexing (where the '6502' is
tricked into handling extra bits with the effect that you can, for example,
redraw the Repton graphics in 256 colours) with the exception of anything
that is passed through the ROM implosion / explosion parts, because the data
there is calculated and not pre-stored so that someone can just draw over
them. I put no thought into this because I assumed only the OS would be
doing anything, but now that I've found some games which do I've been
wondering how it works to see if anything can be done. Because I really
wanted someone to redraw Chuckie Egg!


Say Bye to Slow Internet!

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