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Date   : Sat, 16 Sep 2000 23:57:07 +0100
From   : "Colin McNaughton" <colinmac@...>
Subject: Version query

Here's a thing...

I've recently looked into aquiring some hardware for playing Elite again
- but that's a different story - but in the meantime am using pcBBC to
run it from the disk image from Ian Bell's page. (I kind of chose the
2nd processor version , cos that's the one I used to have...)

My question is:

Is the 2nd Processor version on that disk image the original  version ?
It starts with a saved game already loaded which has a ridiculous amount
of credit and all the kit already fitted, which kind of damps the drive
to 'get out there' and do it myself...  If it's not the original, does
anyone know of a URL or indeed have an image that I can use which would
provide me with the motivation to get started seriously ?



Colin Mac.

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