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Date   : Mon, 11 Sep 2000 20:28:25 +0100
From   : George Reynolds <george@...>
Subject: Sales and Wants

All Items must be working and casing should be in good condition. Original
boxes/instructions preferred but not necessary 
Phone/Text: 07866 280137 -leave a message if turned off
Number 1 want:NINTENDO GAME & WATCH (following items are not in any order) 

2.Amstrad (NC-100 or)NC-200 Computer
3.Tandy TRS-80 Model 100
4.Would anybody be able to help me with a Sharp EL9400 Graphical
Calculator- I want a new/used calculator, a calc-to-calc lead and a PC kit
or alternatively 2 EL9600s with PC Kits and Calc-to-calc leads. They are
very hard to get hold of despite the offer of availability on the box
5.LCD-Type Games from Tiger;Grandstand;Tomy etc and also interesting
LCD,Tabletop,Handheld etc- 
6.Acorn Pocket Book
7.Programmable computers w/accessories e.g. Disk/Tape drive and Printer
where available 
(a)Epson HX-20 or equ.
(b)Sharp MZ-800 or equ.
(c)TI CC-40 or equ.
(d)Casio- any model except FX-720P
(e)Tandy Handheld PCs or "Laptops"
Note these are only examples- if you have anything which does BASIC and is
luggable then please email me. 8.Graphical Calculators e.g. Casio Colour,
Casio Older Models 
others considered esp w/PC Kit 
9.PC Game "The Longest Journey" 
10.Barcode Battler w/cards and link cable 
11.Game Gear,Game Boy and SNES Carts esp Multicarts/PC ROMs
12.Colour Game Boy pref mint w/carts
13.Rolodex 128k Powerpad PC connection cable & program 
14.SNES Screwdriver 
15.Remote, Charger, and Battery for Sony WM-EX668 
16.Cheap Sony Walkman w/radio 
17.MP3 Player (call for more details) 
18.Amstrad PDA-600 Accessories (other than PC link) 
19.Electronic Keyboard with function where you record a sound in a mic and
it plays that sound scaled. E.g. you bleat into the micro phone and it
baaas in scales e.g. baa,bea,beee,buuu etc..lol... 

Items for Sale 
All items in GWO in Boxes unless stated 
Phone/Text: 07866 280137 -leave a message if turned off

PC Games all £1 plus P&P 
1.Operation Stealth 
3.Terminal Velocity 
5.Movie Maker
6.Tandy DNP 1200P Custom Font System
7.GCSE Biology
8.Earthsiege 2
9.Blade Warrior

BBC Software all tapes £2, disks £4 +p&p but discounts can be arranged
1.Revs and Revs 4 Tracks (TAPE)
2.Micromapping 1- parts 1&2 (TAPE)
3.Zillion Solar (DISK)
4.Pittmansoft "Computers Information Awareness a practical course"(DISK)
5.Typesetter (DISK) 
6.Easy Type (DISK) 
7.Tree of Knowledge (ELECTRON TAPE) 
8. Programming by AVP BBC B (DISK) 
9.Funschool 3 (DISK) 
10.Best 4 Games and Adventures (2 DISK packages) 
11.Adventure Island (DISK) 
12.Time Trucker (DISK) 
13. ESM Microstory (DISK) 
14.Rescue-an Island Adventure PLUS a disk box of orig/backup Educational

1.Fighter Pilot 48K Speccy Tape (£1)
2.Gulpman 16k Speccy Tape (£1) 
3.Space Invaders 16/48k Speccy Tape (£1)
4.Tape Drive-internal, takes D600A (3M) tapes c/w disk box w/one new tape
and 9 used (untested-buyer pays for postage cost or collects)
5.Laptop- Olivetti D33 (386). DID work but power pack blown. (buyer pays
for postage or collects)
6.Sharp Memomaster Organiser £5
7.Cannon BJC-4000- GWO, sell due to upgrade. £25+p&p, no offers.
comes with 3*colour/bw heads 3*bw heads 6*refils and refil kit. Also has
mains lead and maybe able to spare a parallel lead
George  Reynolds
ICW- 24444130

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