Date : Thu, 07 Sep 2000 17:34:41 +0100
From : "Jefferyes, G S" <g.jefferyes@...>
Subject: Re: RGB to composite - Yes is works in colour
Just to confirm this email:
I have a working Issue 2 board to which I soldered in the 470Pf capacitor
years ago and get colour out of the video out :o)
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith.Gill@... []
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 02:14
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] RGB to composite
I found this in a previous email, I just connected J39 and the colour is
fine on my
CBM monitor
Modifications for the BBC Model B and B+
On Issue 1, 2 & 3 boards a 470 PicoFarad capacitor should be fitted between
emitter of Q9 (identified by an "e" next to one leg) and the base of Q7 (the
central leg).
On Issue 4 and later, the capacitor is on board and can be connected simply
fitting link 39 which may befound next to the modulator in the far right
hand corner of the PCB.
On the BBC Model B+ link S26 should be made.