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Date   : Mon, 04 Sep 2000 08:42:30 +0300
From   : Alexander <mediadyne@...>
Subject: Re: Please help with Beep B

At 05:28 μμ 4/9/2000 +0000, you wrote:
>What is the number or location of the slot you left open? If you have 
>another B+ or Master you could "borrow" a link from one of these machines 
>and try it. What is the make of ROM board you have? I don't think this is 
>the problem however.
>Usually the Beeeeep sound occurs if there is a faulty component or a bad 
>connection somewhere. the first thing you should do is to press down on 
>*ALL* the chips on the motherboard to ensure they are seated properly. 
>Also make sure the keyboard connector is pressed down properly too.
>You should only need the OS chip (in the far left slot) and the BASIC chip 
>for the machine to start. If you are feeling confident you could also try 
>exchaning chips from another working machine. Make sure they are fitted 
>the correct way round and remember not to force anything as they will break.

Thanks Mike.
I exchanged from the B+ some chips when I got a little confident, but it 
started making weirder noises, so I placed them back and now its back to 
the usual noise, the long beep.
The noise still oscillates a little bit.
caps lock and shift lock lights are lit non stop.
keyboard connector is very well in place. If I remove it it makes a little 
different noise.
I even tried refitting the DFS onto the machine (not the ROM BOARD) in case 
it would make a difference, but nothing happened.
I even tried closing the jumpers, opening them again, all sorts of combos.

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