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Date   : Sun, 27 Aug 2000 09:34:29 +0100
From   : James Fidell <james@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Master ADFS

I'm forwarding your e-mail to the BBC Micro mailing list.  I'm sure someone
will be able to pass on some useful information...

Quoting Alex Seeley (ajas2@...):
> Hi James,
> I've seen your pages referring to the BBC Master on your website, and I
> thought maybe you might be able to tell me what I've done wrong...
> I rescued a few old BBC Masters which were being chucked out this week, but
> I seem to have damaged one of them. It was working fine, but now it seems
> that the ADFS 'virtual ROM' has failed.
> When I reboot the machine, it gets as far as "Acorn ADFS" and then freezes.
> I have to *unplug rom 13 (ADFS) to be able to get into BASIC. (DFS kicks in
> instead of ADFS). I've tried swapping the MOS chip for another one, and the
> problem is still there - ie it's not a problem in the MOS chip itself as far
> as I can tell. However I start ADFS, either by booting or by *ADFS, the
> machine locks up.
> Have you seen this before? I have been rummaging around inside the machine a
> lot (swapping PSUs etc to try and get as many working machines as
> possible)... could I have broken a track somewhere which would have had this
> effect? Or is it something else obvious?
> Thanks in advance for any ideas.
> Alex.
> PS I have another one which on booting up just plays the first tone of the
> familiar two-tone signal, and plays it continuously. It never successfully
> boots. Any idea what could be up there? I've heard of and seen it lots of
> times before, but never in a machine I owned and wanted to fix!

 "Yield to temptation --             | Consultancy: james@...          
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        - Lazarus Long               |              James Fidell

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