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Date   : Thu, 10 Aug 2000 20:01:40 +0100
From   : "Tom Seddon" <T.W.Seddon@...>
Subject: Re: Saving the Exile Game

What you have to do is as follows. During the game, press F9. The game will
stop, and the screen will fill with crap. Wait for about half a second after
this, then press CTRL-BREAK. You must press Ctrl as well -- I seem to
remember that if you press just Break, the screen goes into a wobbly Mode 7,
and further presses of Break cause the memory to be cleared. Anyway, once
you've done that, load up the Supervisor and you should see the text
"Unsaved" at the bottom of the screen. You can then save the game.

(The saved game data lives at &2C00 to &2FFF inclusive, from memory -- if
you can't be arsed waiting for the supervisor to load, just do *SAVE
<whatever> 2C00+400, though please note that's from memory and might be

As for charging the guns, I must admit I'm a bit hazy not having played the
game withuot cheating for several years :-) It's something like: to move
energy from weapon A to weapon B, select weapon A then press Shift+weapon
B's function key. (Oh dear... or was it Ctrl+weapon B's function key?) Each
press transfers 1kJ of energy -- one kJ is a single ding (as heard when
selecting a weapon). You might have to swap round A and B there :-/

BTW as far as I'm aware there are no differences between the tape and disk
versions of Exile; there are slight differences in the Supervisor (e.g., the
tape version has no catalogue feature) but other than that it's just the
load time which is different...
this space filled with | this space not filled with this space filled
this intentionally     | with this intentionally unintentionally

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bbc-micro@...          [mailto:owner-bbc-micro@cloud9.co.uk]On
Behalf Of Kevin Bell
Sent: 09 August 2000 21:17
To: bbc-micro@...         
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Saving the Exile Game

I have pcBBC and run exile on it - Is it possible to save the game ???

-- Having got Windows 2000 I was very happy to find out that the PC could be
and so I would not need to save the game. Unfortunately whilst trying to
remember the key presses which recharge the guns (does anyone know this) I
accidentally pressed break :-(. So I'm back to hoping that there's a method
of saving the game - otherwise Exile is largely unplayable (without

Anybody got any good ideas (I think the problem might be that I have the
tape version)

Thanks in advance


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