Date : Wed, 26 Jul 2000 20:49:52 +0100
From : Tom Lees <tom@...>
Subject: Re: OS ROM dissasemblies
On Wed, Jul 26, 2000 at 09:17:39AM +0100, gARetH baBB wrote:
> In message <37.200007260254.DAA09213@...>,
> t.harte@... (Thomas Harte) wrote:
> > Have there been any projects to produce a documented or in some way
> > dissasembly of the operating system ROM? I'm actually more interested
in the
> BBC OS 1.2:
For the Electron OS, I've written a symbollic disassembler (you give it a
list of symbols and it makes a disassembly using them) and some perl scripts
to insert and save comments from disassemblies (so you can re-disassemble
with the new symbols etc.), plus a very partial commentting for the Electron
OS. It's not really in a releaseable state (although it might be in my
emulator tar files), but if you want a copy, mail me.
Tom Lees <tal26@... > <> <>