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Date   : Thu, 06 Jul 2000 20:08:20 -0700 (PDT)
From   : Angus Duggan <angus@...>
Subject: Re BBC serial filing system

Jonathan Graham Harston writes:
>Of course, the disadvantage of using the device driver approach is that
>the data is stored at the other end within an image file that represents
>the disk accessed, not as actual files on the host system's file system. 

This is the problem I was wanting to get around; I'd like to be able to use
Emacs on a Linux box to edit some of my assembler sources, and use Perl
scripts and whatever else I want to process the data, but then have it
available on a Beeb.

>"Give me sector &003345").  There are various already-written options:
>HostFS written by me which gives you a filing system that is whatever is
>at the other end of a connecting link, selectable between serial,
>parallel, user, MIDI (if fitted) or 1MHz bus.  If I could just track it
>down amongst this pile of disks next to my desk, I'd put it onto my

That looks like just the ticket, with some appropriate munging of the remote
end. Does it just transmit the OSFILE/OSWRCH/OSGBPB/unrecognised OSCLI etc to
the other end and then wait for a response, or is it more sophisticated than

>I've also got, somewhere, a skeleton filing system that does nothing but
>'be' a filing system.

Again, a useful starting point. Are you willing to share it? (I can cut down
the same from my own sources, but I'm already 8 years late on one project,
and don't want to take on any others I can avoid.)


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