Date : Wed, 21 Jun 2000 13:19:35 +0100
From : Tim Fardell <timf@...>
Subject: Re: Transferring BBC floppies to PC
I couldn't get Angus' links to work. These seem to work better for me:
Angus Duggan wrote:
> Mike Tomlinson writes:
> >
> >I received the following email recently - can we cover what is and isn't
> >possible in terms of getting BBC discs transferred to a PC for this chap
> >(he is subscribed to this list)?
> >
> >In particular, (for me), is there any software available for the Beeb
> >which will read a disc sector-by-sector and squirt it down to a PC,
> >creating an image file over a serial link?
> >
> >Sorry to cover old ground again.
> XFer in C can do this (transfer disc images). I've had varying reports of
> success with it; I suspect some more work needs to be done on driving the
> Win32 serial system properly. It'll also work on Linux (last tested on SuSE
> 6.2, I'm up to 6.4 now). I've also had requests to do sector-by-sector
> checksum and resend, which I'll get around to sometime in the future, if
> nobody submits a patch before I eventually get around to it (hint!).
> Available with full source at:
> Anyone want to take on a project I probably won't get time for? Write a
> serial filing system back-end, so the Beeb can use files directly from a
> Win32/Linux box. It would make editing large assembler sources so much nicer,
> to do it in Emacs :-)
> a.
> --
> Harlequin Inc., Seattle, WA 98109, U.S.A.
> |
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