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Date   : Wed, 07 Jun 2000 18:40:04 GMT
From   : "jason bennison" <jasonbennison@...>
Subject: On-line Beeb! Your comments please.


I am writing to those who have a BBC Micro related web-sites on the net. I 
noticed that nobody has yet made an on0line version of the BBC micro that 
can run Beeb programs on the Internet through a browser, I have put together 
an early draft of one based on Dave Gilbert's Beebem Visual C++ code, and 
have placed it at


This will take you directly to the Beeb itself, theres no 'introductions' 
page. It is only a temporary holding place, so do not set links to it. and 
am seeking the views of other Beeb fans, If you get any bugs I must know 
about them!

When you run the Beeb online for the first time,  you may need to download a 
plug-in first.

If the public demands it, I am happy to further this work, and arrange a 
site where visitors can simply 'Click-and-choose' a game and play it through 
their browser. I have done a little bit of jigging about with the scripts of 
it and managed to get it going, albeit a few bugs!

Once I have put out the feelers on this, I will upload a more permanent 
version. If you want the source files, so you can put an online working BBC 
Micro on your site when it is completed, Please let me know and i'll post up 
a zip file with the new source files.

Please let me know your views, and keep up the good work, many of you have 
excellent sites, I didnt want to become 'just another site' but wanted to 
'do my bit' for the BBC Micro utopia.

Whilst writing,  I thought I mention a bit of funstuff! - my little web-page 
of Dancing BBC Micros sequenced to rock'roll, If you want this on your site, 
  let me know, and its yours! (needs IE 4.0 or higher)

Jason Bennison

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