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Date   : Sat, 13 May 2000 08:33:43 -0700 (PDT)
From   : Thomas Harte <t.harte@...>
Subject: DFS vs. ADFS


I am wondering if the ADFS ROMs are meant to be able to read DFS disks? And
if not, is there a 'dfs disk image to adfs disk image' converter about? If
not, and if I wrote one, would it be worth releasing to the public?

I ask because I implemented WD1770 emulation in my Electron emulator
yesterday, and tried '*cat' only to get 'Broken directory', even though I
can verify via a small BASIC program that the first six sectors of the disk
have been correctly read by the Electron into the area used by the Electron
ADFS as the catalogue buffer. It then occurred to me that my only evidence
that the disk image (downloaded from the 'net) should work came from trying
it on a BBC emulator with only a DFS filing system.

Of course there are other possibilities, and it could be nothing to do with
the WD1770 at all, but . . .

Also, while I'm here, what filing systems for floppy disks besides DFS,
Watford DFS 62 and ADFS exist?


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