Date : Sat, 06 May 2000 06:18:49 -0700 (PDT)
From : Alex De Vries <alexdevries@...>
Subject: Re: Electron Emulators & Tape Gaps
The Electron page at is by Bryan
McPhail. I don't know why he isn't updating it, but I
know he is also working on MAME (see the W.I.P. pages
at Maybe he busy with that and
just didn't have time to update his Electron page. I
didn't notice that some screenshots come from BBC
I don't have a page of my own yet.
I'd like to see your document on the tape format. I
myself am using the standard archive format defined by
Wouter Scholten (with INF files containing the name of
a file, load and exec adresses and a NEXT tag that
indicates the next file).
--- Thomas Harte <t.harte@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to say that I've found and fixed the tape
> loading problem (there seems
> to be a high tone gap between blocks where blocks
> are defined as
> header+data, but not between header and data, and
> more pressingly a small
> pre/post increment bug in my tape image creation
> software was causing the
> NULL filename terminating byte not to be saved), and
> thanks to everyone who
> helped. I've set up a small web page at
> to
> show some emulator shots
> thus far.
> Also, to Alex - do you want to share (tape) file
> format information? I've
> been writing a document on mine so that it will be
> easy for others to
> understand if you want to see it. Its very flexible
> and compressed and so
> on. Also, if the page at is yours,
> don't think people haven't
> noticed that half the screenshots are from BBC
> versions of games! And why
> aren't you updating anymore?
> -Thomas
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