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Date   : Tue, 02 May 2000 05:39:02 -0700 (PDT)
From   : Thomas Harte <t.harte@...>
Subject: Is there a gap between header & data on tapes?

The subject more or less says it all!

I only ask because my Electron emulator now loads tapes as far as reading
until the end of the header, but then switches off the related tape data
detection interrupts for the equivalent of one byte of data (approx 16ms),
before enabling them again and displaying the 'data?' error having missed a
byte. Presumably it is taking a moment to calculate and check the CRC, but
I'm at a loss as to why it then misses a byte of data, and how it can be so
sure that it did almost instantly.

My assumption is that either there is a gap, or else I am still handling
interrupts not quite correctly, can anyone confirm or deny the first option?


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