Date : Mon, 10 Apr 2000 09:10:34 +0100
From : "Dennis Hartley" <D.F.Hartley@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BBC Master 128 batteries
I remember using just two ordinary alkaline cells in a battery holder
> -----Original Message-----
> My Master 128 contains just a pack of three normal alkaline (Duracell)
> AA-size batteries, sealed in (presumably) heat-shrink tubing. Therefore,
> the voltage would be 4.5v. The pack is wedged down the left of the
> keyboard between the keyboard and the outer case.
> Any old 4.5v battery would probably do, but the cheapest way is just to
> use three new Alkaline AA cells. The current consumption would be
> miniscule, so such a pack should last you a good few years.