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Date   : Thu, 02 Mar 2000 16:45:06 -0000 
From   : Chezz <achester@...>
Subject: Re: Watford board, 13-ROM, 32K SWR.....

	I am not sure if this is board you are referring to but, I have a
Watford ROM/RAM expansion board that has 13-ROM sockets and space for 2 off
6116 2Kx8 RAM chips.

To fit this board you remove the OS ROM, the 6502 and the ADC. The expansion
board then plugs into the motherboard at these locations and the original
chips are fitted to the expansion board close to their original locations.

If this is the board that you are looking for, then they were readily
available at radio rally's 6 months ago when I bought mine.

		Hope this helps,

Andrew Chesterton.
Network Administrator.
Blue Wave Systems Ltd.
Loughborough Park,
Ashby Road,
LE11 - 3NE.
Tel: +44 (0)1509 634322
Fax: +44 (0)1509 634450
Email: achester@...

-----Original Message-----
From: F. Haroon [mailto:haroonpd@...]
Sent: 02 March 2000 15:51
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Watford board, 13-ROM, 32K SWR.....

Hi all,

I remember in the September 1990 edition of Micro
User, Watford Electronics had a promising-looking
ultimate Extra ROM, and Sideways RAM board which was
described as an ideal kit for BBC programmers.  It had
32K SWR banks (or was it to upgrade the BBC's overall
memory to 64K?), 13-ROM slots and a load of other
features including the driver firmware which was
described to prevent ROM crashes at &A000 and some
other address.  Shame the firm are now nothing to do
with Acorn :-( however, is there anyone who can
identify which Watford upgrade board I am referring
to, and please point me to where I can get one?  Is
there any one on the list who's actually selling one? 
Please let me know.


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