Date : Mon, 28 Feb 2000 22:09:15 +0000
From : Mark Scholes <mark@...>
Subject: Re: Boot from an EPROM?
In message <E12PUmo-00021e-00.2000-02-28-18-20-51@...>
you wrote:
> > Barrie Ellis <dobre@...> wrote:
> > > I've written a menu programme (in BASIC) that I've paid 8-bit software
> > > burn onto an EPROM. Is it possible to automatically load that programme
> > > into memory and run it, the moment the BBC B is powered on (just like the
> > > auto-boot disk function)?
> >
> > You might want to actually place the ROM in a position
> > higher than that of the DFS on the ROM slots, that way
> > I think the machine will boot your program up first
> > before everything else. Of course if it's a BASIC
> > program then OS and BASIC has to boot up first. Then
> > it's a question of fiddling with the DIP switches
> > under the keyboard near the space bar. Others might
> > be able to advise better, meanwhile I hope this gives
> > some clue.
> No luck with that, but thanks anyway...any other ideas anyone?
You need a RFS format rom with a !Boot file, set in the highest priority slot
for a filing system, usually above DFS. If you want to auto boot on switch on
you need to set the appropriate link on the keyboard PCB. This will probably
mean a new EPROM is required of course.
Of course I've never actually tried this :-)
Mark Scholes
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