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Date   : Thu, 10 Feb 2000 17:01:05 -0000
From   : "Jason Brunt" <aaxw29@...>
Subject: Broken BBC Master

I have a BBC 'B' which I upgraded from an 'A' in 1987, and a BBC Master.
Unfortunately I recently dropped the Master - not from a tremendous height,
but from high enough and onto a hard surface on its front corner, at that.
Now it no longer works - but the symptoms are a bit strange and I thought
someone out there might think 'Aha...' on reading them, and be able to give
a diagnosis. A long shot perhaps, but I'd be chuffed if someone *can* throw
light on it!

When the Master is switched on, nothing happens for a couple of minutes.
Then it starts appearing to boot - it goes 'click' (the tape drive I
presume) and 'beep', just like it should, and the telly signal starts to
jump into life - BUT instead of continuing to boot it immediately goes back
to the start with the click and beep.

So I'm left with a computer that just goes click-beep (about six times a
second) with the telly screen flashing at me. Great for breaking the ice at
parties - but not much use beyond that. I've tried dropping it again (that's
worked in the past) and checking for loose chips etc., but with no joy. Does
anyone know whether this machine's now a basket case or not?

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