Date : Tue, 08 Feb 2000 22:45:39 +0000
From : Matt Davis <mavzc@...>
Subject: [Fwd: Help! BBC Ems for the uninitiated.]
I think this is relevant - possibly a bug in pcBBC?
Repeat plea: please e-mail the list, not me individually for a general
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Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2000 22:41:01 +0000
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To: Matt Davis <mavzc@... >
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Help! BBC Ems for the uninitiated.
References: <389EF794.93D42E08@... > <>
I agree, pcBBC is an excellent program, but I would like to see it
updated to work under Window as when I attempt to run it from 'Window
it falls over because my 128Mb machine doesn't have enough memory!
Luckly I've still got a copy of DOS 6.11 I can use to boot from a floppy
but it's still a pain!
> pcBBC is amazing but you have to pay for it, BeebEm is the close second.
> However I think the format on The BBC Lives! is evil because we always
> have to convert to images. The format used by RetroBBC (.img) was so
> much easier to manage. I don't like that bbcim program at all.