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Date   : Thu, 03 Feb 2000 09:41:12 -0000 
From   : John Simpson <Simpson.J@...>
Subject: Re: What is this game?

> What is the Beeb game called :- Imagine a Wire Frame Square shaped, your
> guy can run around the edge, in later levels there are also nasties
> running around the edge chasing you. Your task is to trap a creature
> which bounces around inside the wire frame, your guy can go from one
> side of the frame, in a straight line, to the other side, trying to cut
> off the space the creature has to bounce around in, the fence that is
> created must be complete before the creature touches it. 

There were various names, because all were a copy of the original arcade
game (the name of which I don't know). Examples are:


-- its fair to assume the arcade version ended in "ix"!


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