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Date   : Wed, 26 Jan 2000 19:04:12 +0000
From   : "Barrie Ellis" <dobre@...>
Subject: Annyong Haseyo!

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Hello...I've just about finished writing a suite of BBC Basic programmes for
people with severe disabilities, which are designed to be accessible by one
switch (via the user port). There's a YES/NO selecter, Dice, Talking-Type
writer (with speaking-switch), Number generator (inc. Lottery, Thunderball &
sweep stakes - with SPEECH) and Acorn's Biorhythms adapted for switch
operation. The software is FREEWARE (I've got the okay from Steve Hanson
head of Superior Microcomputing Ltd. to use SPEECH!, providing no profit is
made on it), anyone interested please E-mail me...

Can you help?

1) After loading SPEECH! into MODE7, I can't switch to other graphic modes.
Speech seems to corrupt the machine code memory, so I can't use * calls,
until I clear the memory using BREAK. This is not a lot of use to someone
who can't use the keyboard, relying on the switch/sensor interface. Does
anyone know how to cure this problem without resorting to the keyboard?

2) Are there any emulators Mac or PC that emulate BBC Micro SPEECH!, and
recognise external input (eg. a mouse click)?

3) Would anyone send me the BASIC code for the Magic roundabout music?




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