Date : Tue, 25 Jan 2000 03:07:36 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Re: BBC Master
> Message-ID: <000a01bf577a$cf35cf20$a0072cc3@...>
"John Richardson" <j.m.richardson@...> wrote:
> Mike Tomlinson posted a very full reply. He also posted a !Config file
> which you can download from
> as M.!Config, along with many other useful bits'n'bobs:
I posted the following out to anybody with Masters that I supported when I
was in HK.
Replacing BBC Master battery pack
Unplug and take out the old pack. The new pack slots down in the gap next
to the keyboard. The lead is plugged in so that the empty hole is towards
the keyboard.
Battery -----------|O|
Pack -----------|O| Keyboard |
|O| |
+-+ V
Hold down the 'R' key, then turn on the computer. It should say
'CMOS ram reset. Press Break'
You will then have to reconfigure. Some sensible options are:
*FX162,6,255 Fast way to *INSERT
*FX162,7,255 all the ROMs
*CONFIGURE LANG 12 Comes up in Basic
*CONFIGURE MODE 7 Comes up in MODE 7
*CONFIGURE PRINT 1 Set to parallel printer
These are the minimum to have the machine working usefully. You can also
*CONFIGURE BAUD 7 Serial speed set to 9600
*CONFIGURE DATA 4 Serial data type (8 bits)
*CONFIGURE NOBOOT Don't boot disks on switch-on
*CONFIGURE DELAY 25 Pause before keys repeat
*CONFIGURE REPEAT 5 Key repeat speed
*CONFIGURE FDRIVE 0 Floppy drive speed
*CONFIGURE FLOPPY ADFS defaults to floppy drives
*CONFIGURE IGNORE Printer ignores nothing
or *CONFIGURE IGNORE 10 Printer ignores CHR$10, line feed
*CONFIGURE LOUD Loud speaker
or *CONFIGURE QUIET Quiet speaker
*CONFIGURE FS 0.254 Network fileserver, default is 0.254
*CONFIGURE PS 0.235 Network printserver, default is 0.235
To set the time, you need to be in Basic:
TIME$="Wed,21 Oct 1992.12:30:00" Change as appropriate, but you must have
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the comma, spaces, full stop and colons.
J.G.Harston (JGH BBC PD Library) 70 Camm Street, Walkley, SHEFFIELD S6 3TR
jgh@... - Running on BBCs & Masters with SJ MDFS FileServer
Z80+6502/CoPro+Tubes/Econet+SJ --
A TRUE Klingon Warrior does not comment his code!