Date : Wed, 22 Dec 1999 11:33:55 -0000
From : "Michael Borcherds" <mrb@...>
Subject: AMPLE
This might be of interest to some of you. It's from the
December 1999 Archive Magazine p92:
> Back in the September 1998 issue of Archive I put out an appeal
> for information on the AMPLE music sequencing language originally
> conceived and implemented on the BBC Micro by Hybrid Technology Ltd.
> As a result of that appeal I got the information I was after and
> since then have been working away to re-implement AMPLE under RISC OS.
> I'm glad to say that a beta version of the language is now virtually ready
> and I am looking for people who want to test it. Anyone who is interested
> doing this could contact me at robin@... and I will send
> the AMPLE application to try out.
> I have implemented AMPLE to support both the internal RISC OS sound system
> MIDI (when fitted) so testers who can do either or both will be welcome.
You will
> need RISC OS 3.1 or later, 2Mb of RAM and the Toolbox modules.
>Robin Terry
Michael Borcherds | <mailto:mrb@... >
| <>
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