Date : Fri, 17 Dec 1999 21:53:55 +0000 (GMT)
From : Brian Widdas <brian@...>
Subject: Re: ZIP drives for BBCs
On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Mike Tomlinson wrote:
> In article <385A2D00.19113BB4@...>, Joel Rowbottom <>
> writes
> >Is the Beeb's parallel interface bidirectional?
> It's not, but the user port is. I see no reason why a Zip drive
> couldn't be connected to the Beeb; the sticking point might be obtaining
> the specs from Iomega for their (no doubt) proprietary parallel data
> transfer protocol.
Shouldn't be a problem - it's in Linux. So if all else fails, you could
always read the kernel source...
Brian Widdas brian@...
+44 (0) 7957 696130 bw@...