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Date   : Wed, 15 Dec 1999 12:14:55 +0000
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Mode 7 file

> Message-ID: <hmkWjBAh0AV4Ew3G@...>
Tim Strong <Tim@...> wrote:
> If I use *TYPE to try and redisplay the contents of this file, it hangs
> the machine (or emulator) very near the start. As far as I understand, the
*TYPE on a BBC B sends the full contents to the VDU.  *TYPE on the Master
filters out control codes.  It sounds like there's some control sequences
in it.  *DUMPing it will show you what's actually in it.  Try:
INP."Input file: "in$
in%=OPENIN(in$):IFin%=0:P."Can't open '"in$"'":END
  IF A%>31 AND A%<>127:VDU A% ELSE IF A%=13 PRINT
You may have ANSI sequences in it which will look something like [12,34l;
[56k; sequences.  I can post you a BBC ANSI Terminal that you can
redisplay a file through.
> Alternatively, does anyone have a simple program for stripping out control
> codes on a BBC and writing out to a different file, or will I have to
> re-learn BBC BASIC?! (Frustratingly I could easily do this on a PC but
> can't get the file into a readable ASCII format!)
You could try importing it into MSWord: File->Open->All files->select it.
Try this:
INP."Input file: "in$
in%=OPENIN(in$):IFin%=0:P."Can't open '"in$"'":END
INP."Output file: "out$
out%=OPENOUT(out$):IFout%=0:P."Can't open '"out$"'":CLOSE#in%:in%=0:END
  IF A%>31 AND A%<>127:BPUT#out%,A% ELSE IF A%=13:BPUT#out%,A%
J.G.Harston (JGH BBC PD Library) 70 Camm Street, Walkley, SHEFFIELD S6 3TR
jgh@...                - Running on BBCs & Masters with SJ MDFS FileServer
Z80+6502/CoPro+Tubes/Econet+SJ -- http://www.libdems.force9.co.uk/usr/jgh/

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