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Date   : Fri, 10 Dec 1999 02:56:36 -0000
From   : "Matt Forbes" <mattforbes@...>
Subject: Stuff

Hi gang.

I've returned from a long break in Toulouse to find a multitude of
(irrelevant) BBC-Micro messages in my inbox.  The majority of these seem to
be rants.  Mr Choudhry - please shut up and listen.  This is supposed to be
a mailing list, not a public newsgroup.  If you feel that you have 'drawn
the short straw', and that you may be being 'singled out' or 'picked upon',
I suggest that you take a good long look at your postings, and the attitude
with which you send them.

AFAIK, 'bbc-micro' is (was?) a mailing list for those interested in BBC
machines.  It was never intented to be a flamesite.  Either stop
overreacting to any (jovial) jibe that is posted, or don't post or reply.

If you want help in any matter (BBC-related), then post a simple request - I
am sure there are enough people on the list who will be able to help.  If
someone takes the p**s, then accept it as a joke/compliment!

Please don't hog the list with rants;  look at
news://alt.emulators.classic-arcade a *much* busier group, but there is none
of this constant backstabbing.

I feel sure that there are a lot of members who feel the same way as I do.



Matt Forbes
PC/Network Support Analyst
London/Salisbury UK
07990 874429 - ICQ #54394901

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