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Date   : Thu, 09 Dec 1999 17:26:05 +0000
From   : Frank Lee <frank@...>
Subject: Dunjunz (Was: I think I must have a say in all

At 15:11 09/12/99 +0000, Nigel Scott wrote:
>Bit of a subject change I'm afraid (but I don't think thats such a bad
>thing), but does anyone remember a game called Dungunz? 
My word, yes! (And I do think a change of topic is in order)

I'm afraid Dunjunz caused me to lose many a nights sleep, and I can
distinctly remember cycling back from a friends in the small hours after a
gameing evening. In fact, I must admit to making a small hardware mod. to
one of my Electrons and connecting two keyboards connected by a short
length of very thick cable to allow the players slightly more hand space. 

>It was a really playable Gauntlet clone with up to four players
>simultaneously playing, each with their own window - some playstation
>games don't manage this these days :) with 25 scrolling levels.
Four players if all were very friendly and of good personal hygiene! I
think I only played a few times with four players, but a friend and I spent
lots of time playing and systematically mapping each level complete with
identifying which key opened which door (that took some doing, I can assure

>I had the original tape version (which loaded each level one after the
>other I think) and a hacked version with most of the levels in an EPROM.
>Did anyone else have this?
I'd not heard of the EPROM version - I'd love to play that one. Part of the
frustration of the game was that our version required level 19 be loaded
from a copy of the original tape, but level 6 had to be from the original -
we forgot that frequently and everything went pear-shaped at about 10:30
when the machine crashed by loading the wrong file. (Also, on the electron,
it was one of the few games I never convinced to run from disc - not
surprising, really. It used to violently object to the presence of the +1,
even when apparently disabled.)

>My question is - what happened at the end of the game? I used to play it
>continously with a friend, but we never managed to finish the 24th
Ah, from what I remember, it was all a bit dissappointing (bear in mind
this is the electron version, so keep playing, it's got to be worth it).
Swirling graphics spiralling around the screen, I think, then a reassuring
message that whoever we were trying to save / make king / castrate had been
saved / made king / castrated, then the machine rebooted. I think the code
for the final sequence was stored in the area normally used for the map of
each level, 'cos the 24th level is about half the size of the others, IIRC.

Blast, now if only there were not 60 miles between me and the maps.... I'll
try and remember to get them after Xmas and scan them in for TBL...



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