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Date   : Thu, 09 Dec 1999 04:40:25 -0800 (PST)
From   : Faraz Choudhry <razzledazzler2@...>
Subject: I think I must have a say in all this.  It is LONG!   So print it.

By the way Not-so-Nice Guy, your BCC ain't made it as
I read your complaint.

Listen up everyone.  I am adhering to the mailing list
guidelines.  Since someone pointed out to me I have:

a) Not left trails of old source messages with my

b) Kept my mail to the topic, unless someone starts
talking to me about otherwise, which was the case just
when Nice Guy started joining.

c) Kept my text unformatted and in plain form so that
it's readable by all e-mail software.

d) Never patronized anyone.  I agree I don't know as
much about the BBC machine as half of you, that's
partly why I joined, to learn.  I need this mailing
more when I start to contunue with my development of
BBC BASIC skills.

e) Kept my e-mail name lower case.

Am I not allowed to offer some help in terms of taking
workload of people by the simplest ways, or even
express myself?  Maybe there is still a lot I don't
know about the unwritten culture of the mailing list.

It was only recently I misunderstood the context of
somebody's comments about chip removal with PSU
connected.  For that I'm sorry.  Look, if you really
are a Nice Guy, then maybe you should have not let
whatever gripes about my posting bottle up until you
lash out the way you did just now.  If you're so
patient then you could find a less confrontational
method of talking to ME about whatever else is
bothering you?  There's nothing lower, than people
trying to petition against me through BCC so that I
can't read it.  Which doesn't work anyway as long as
you use the mailing list's address 'cos I still read

Talk about immaturity, which one of us is so, if most
of you are so mature?  Is it a mature thing, to focus
yourself on a few irrelevances you see in my mail and
just because it's one of a hundred other you see but
hardly bother to read, then accuse me of spamming?

Look "Nice Guy" and all with him accusing, if you
don't like to read my mails then either take others'
advice and fliter it out, or simply unsubscribe.  I
notice that I am the only ethnic name here in the
list.  You have a problem with that?

F. H. Choudhry
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