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Date   : Wed, 08 Dec 1999 01:35:29 +0000
From   : "B.E.Newsam" <ben@...>
Subject: Re: B-Master compatibility issues

In message <14413.14428.119000.645298@...>, Angus
Duggan <angus@...> writes
>They are not very common in the USA. If you're willing to buy one, check it,
>and then ship it to me, I'll be more than happy to receive it :-)

It may not work in the US, the voltage is different, 60Hz for a start. I
don't know about Masters, but the BBC B was produced (in small
quantities) for the US market. Internally, it was surrounded with metal
shielding to conform to emission regulations. There was a special
version of the OS, which produced graphics with a different number of
scan lines in each screen mode. Even Mode 7 was slightly different. Not
much software was written to work on both machines. The official method
of detecting a US OS was a different resonse to an INKEY call (I can't
remember the parameter, I am afraid). Unfortunately, once the Master was
produced, it responded in the same way as the US version of the B.

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