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Date   : Mon, 06 Dec 1999 21:02:28 +0100
From   : "Mark Usher" <mark.usher@...>
Subject: Re: Removing ROMs from Issue 7 board

> > NO NO NO NO NO!!!!
> >
> > Never use one of those.  They are the worst bit of sales brainwashing
> > outside Microsoft.
> Well, speaking as a witness for the defence, all I can say is that I
> have used these things a few times, and never suffered any pin damage,
> but I'm prepared to accept that I may have been lucky, and I can see how
> damage could occur if you use them carelessly. I was first introduced to
> them when I found one in the bin and thought "That looks useful!" and
> kept it. Now I see why it was in the bin...

Why not use a bent spoon or a blunt knife like the rest of us :-)

JGH introduced me to the best chip extractor ever, this is the covers for
the slots on a PC casing for the ISA/PC cards.
Turn it upside down and you have an L shape, almost perect for levering out
those IC's. A little insualtion tape around the bottom of the L to protect
the PCB from possible scratches and ta da...

Obviously if you are a true acorn fan then you won't have PC bits lying
around and will have to go out and buy a chip extractor. But then as a true
acorn fan you'll be used to forking out the extra money ;-)


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