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Date   : Fri, 03 Dec 1999 19:33:43 +0000
From   : James Fidell <james@...>
Subject: Re: Propergation time

Quoting C.J.Thornley@... (C.J.Thornley@student.salford.ac.uk):

> There seems to be a very big time lag from when I send a message to the
> group and to when I get the message posted back to me so far this as been
> in the order of 2 weeks is there a problem

That'll be because you're subscribed to the list as
C.J.Thornley@... and I don't allow posting to the list from
non-subscribed addresses in order to trap spammers.  Messages which are
from non-subscribed addresses with relevant content get forwarded on as
soon as I see them, but since I've been in the Caribbean for the last
two weeks, that didn't happen for the last two weeks of November.

You're not the only one who falls victim to this problem, but there aren't
significant enough numbers to make it worth my while setting up an
exceptions list yet.

 "Yield to temptation --             | Consultancy: james@...          
  it may not pass your way again"    | http://www.cloud9.co.uk/james
        - Lazarus Long               |              James Fidell

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