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Date   : Tue, 23 Nov 1999 06:37:00 -0800 (PST)
From   : Faraz Choudhry <razzledazzler2@...>
Subject: Re: bbc master


> I have some questions: 

> 1. What are the best BBC/Acorn sites on the web? 
> 2. Are there any emulators available for the BBC master? 
> 3. Do Acorn licence their roms for use on the emulators? 

> Michael Hicks 

OK, I can immediately help you out there. The best BBC sites on the Web are: 

8BS (8-Bit Software) - http://www.8bs.karoo.net

Johnathon G. Harston, 8BS member K8G (I think) - http://www.libdems.force9.co.uk/usr/jgh

jgh@... (I think that's still his mail) he's the guy you
want for BBC Networking systems 

Sprow, one still commercially producing for Beeb for sure - http://www.sprow.uk
and sales@... 

BBC Micro and Electrons Games site - http://www.bbc.freewire.co.uk dllm@...

BBC Micro ROM Images http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/hirez/422 and

The BBC Lives!  Robert Schmidt at rsc@... at http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc
BBC software galore!

PC BBC Emulator Stuart McConnachie.  PCBBC is the best BBC emulator running
on PC that I know, brilliant, contact him stuart@... and
see the site http://www.bburne.demon.co.uk/bbc.html

BBC Emulators for RISC machines are at Warm Silence http://www.warmsilence.demon.co.uk/products.html#6502Em 
contact robin.watts@... and paul.gardin@wss.co.uk as 6502Em is the
best BBC emulator for the Archie compat machines I have ever known.  Definite
BBC Master emulator there.  I'm sure PCBBC has it too.

For all Acorn sites in general visit Cybervillage http://www.cybervillage.co.uk 
as the list for 32-bits goes on and on and I don't have that much time. 
 They sure will lead you to hundereds of decent ones round the world. 
A good one I have is RiscStation, CTA Direct, http://www.riscstation.co.uk
sales@... where there are very competitive Acorn compat computer

Superior Software Ltd. http://www.easyweb.easynet.co.uk/beeb/ leads you 
to other big-name BBC games producers too, some whom are still making games,
at least selling popular old ones commercially, like defunct Micro Power
and Acornsoft, Firebird, Blue Ribbon, etc.

Phew, I've gone through a list here.  Now I know why they have search engines!
 Hope it's helped you! :-)  All you posse out there tell me if I missed
any out.  Thanks.

F. H. Choudhry

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at Yahoo! Auctions.


<P>&gt; I have some questions: <BR><BR>&gt; 1. What are the best BBC/Acorn 
sites on the web? <BR>&gt; 2. Are there any emulators available for the 
BBC master? <BR>&gt; 3. Do Acorn licence their roms for use on the emulators? 
<BR><BR>&gt; Michael Hicks <BR><BR>OK, I can immediately help you out 
there. The best BBC sites on the Web are: <BR><BR>8BS (8-Bit Software) 
- <A href="http://www.8bs.karoo.net">http://www.8bs.karoo.net</A><BR><BR>Johnathon 
G. Harston, 8BS member K8G (I think) - <A href="http://www.libdems.force9.co.uk/usr/jgh">http://www.libdems.force9.co.uk/usr/jgh</A> 
<BR><A href="mailto:jgh@...">jgh@arcade.demon.co.uk</A> 
(I think that's still his mail) he's the guy you want for BBC Networking 
systems <BR><BR>Sprow, one still commercially producing for Beeb for sure 
- <A href="http://www.sprow.uk">http://www.sprow.uk</A> and <A href="mailto:sales@...">sales@sprow.co.uk</A>
<BR><BR>BBC Micro and Electrons Games site - <A href="http://www.bbc.freew!
ire.co.uk">http://www.bbc.freewire.co.uk</A> <A href="mailto:dllm@...">dllm@usa.net</A></P>
<P>BBC Micro <STRONG>ROM Images </STRONG><A href="http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/hirez/422">http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/hirez/422</A> 
and <A href="http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/7207/index">http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/7207/index</A></P>
<P>The BBC Lives!  Robert Schmidt at <A href="mailto:rsc@...">rsc@nvg.ntnu.no</A>
at <A href="http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc">http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc</A>
BBC software galore!</P>
<P><STRONG>PC BBC Emulator</STRONG> Stuart McConnachie.&nbsp; PCBBC is 
the best BBC emulator running on PC that I know, brilliant, contact him 
<A href="mailto:stuart@...">stuart@pcbbc.demon.co.uk</A>
and see the site <A href="http://www.bburne.demon.co.uk/bbc.html">http://www.bburne.demon.co.uk/bbc.html</A></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>BBC Emulators for RISC machines</STRONG> are at Warm Silence 
<A href="http://www.warmsilence.demon.co.uk/products.html#6502Em">http://www.warmsilence.demon.co.uk/products.html#6502Em</A> 
contact <A href="mailto:robin.watts@...">robin.watts@wss.co.uk</A> 
and <A href="mailto:paul.gardin@...">paul.gardin@wss.co.uk</A> as
6502Em is the best BBC emulator for the Archie compat machines I have ever
known.&nbsp; Definite BBC Master emulator there.&nbsp; I'm sure PCBBC has
it too.</STRONG></P>
<P>For all Acorn sites in general visit Cybervillage <A href="http://www.cybervillage.co.uk/">http://www.cybervillage.co.uk</A> 
as the list for 32-bits goes on and on and I don't have that much time.  
They sure will lead you to hundereds of decent ones round the world.&nbsp; 
A good one I have is RiscStation, CTA Direct, <A href="http://www.riscstation.co.uk/">http://www.riscstation.co.uk</A>
<A href="mailto:sales@...">sales@riscstation.co.uk</A> where
there are very competitive Acorn compat computer models.</P>
<P>Superior Software Ltd. <A href="http://www.easyweb.easynet.co.uk/beeb/">http://www.easyweb.easynet.co.uk/beeb/</A> 
leads you to other big-name BBC games producers too, some whom are still
making games, at least selling popular old ones commercially, like defunct
Micro Power and Acornsoft, Firebird, Blue Ribbon, etc.</P>
<P>Phew, I've gone through a list here.&nbsp; Now I know why they have
search engines!&nbsp; Hope it's helped you! :-)&nbsp; All you posse out
there tell me if I missed any out.&nbsp; Thanks.</P>
<P>F. H. Choudhry</P>
<br><hr size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>Bid and sell for free at <a href="http://auctions.yahoo.com/">Yahoo!

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