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Date   : Mon, 15 Nov 1999 06:48:52 -0800 (PST)
From   : Faraz Choudhry <razzledazzler2@...>
Subject: Re: Richmond - Text based east end adventure game

> $.HAMPSTEAD fffff946 832f4abe 2aa
> $.HAMPSTEAD1 d9cd ffff 3c5
> $.HAMPSTEAD2 400 67e 5700
> The file 'HAMPSTEAD' is basic, but as you can see
> the other 2 have really weird load/exec addresses.
> This is the tape version (which is why it has 10
> character filenames) but even so those addresses
> still look wrong.
> Could you email me your version or upload it to the
> BBC Lives site?

I think you'll find this is classic from software
houses who for selfish copyright reasons want those
who purchase tape, to stick to tape unless prepared to
shell out few extra bucks.  I find this time and time
again when trying to transfer m/c files onto disk. 
Pipeline from Superior was a nightmare to work on
until I discovered that the code was just too tape
centred for the game to work, and also off the record,
the disk version was the complete version with the
game customizer while I had a bum deal with the tape
version.  It ended up shagging up the DFS formatting
information on the disk so I had to reformat, then
give up the work.  It's shaken all faith I have in
pre-written tape-to-disk utilities, unless someone can
point me to a really decent one?  Programmers have
access to a routine that gives false load/exec
file-data on tape, to throw off priates who want to
convert them to disk.  Someone has pointed me to the
following utilities, Advenced Disk Investigator and
Disc Doctor ROM, I think you need them.  Or just find
a disk version and flog the tape one.

I hope that puts it into perspective a bit if it
doesn't help! :-)

F. H. Choudhry


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