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Date   : Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:56:01 +0100
From   : Tim Fardell <timf@...>
Subject: I need some advice on using a BBC Master. 

Hi all. 

I've just found a BBC Master on a skip, complete with monitor and disk
drive unit, and it works! So, I joined this mailing list since I have
very little experience with Beebs and I need to know how to do a couple
of things. I apologise in advance if these are so fundamental that you
think I'm a complete prat. 

1. How do you delete a Locked file from a disk, without re-formatting
the bloomin' thing?

2. How do you make a !BOOT program in BASIC that runs when you press
shift+break? This would be very handy for running XFer. 

3. I'm using XFer to transfer files across to the Beeb, but is it
possible to transfer dsd or ssd disk images across? 

4. Does anyone know of or have a copy of that Watford Electronics demo
disk with the cool two-player 'Nibbles' type game on it? I forget what
it was called, and I can't find the disk on the Web. I think the disk
also had boring things like monitor test routines etc, but I may be
mistaken. The menu had each option shooting in alternately from each
side of the screen, accompanied by a sound, and I *think* the background
was cyan. 

A pointer to a document containing this kind of information would be

Thanks in advance for any information!


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